Grade 3B

Mirela Hot

Welcome to Term Two, as we have many new exciting learning opportunities. Time to make some lasting memories. This term will be a very busy one and Grade 3B have already made an excellent start.

What we have planned:

Excursion to Eureka Tower inclusive of a citywalk on Thursday 18th May.
Camp on Monday 22nd May. Students will arrive at school as they do normally and be picked up the following day at 3.35pm.

Incursion with Eg Incursions: Chinese Dragon Wednesday 25th May.

Thank you to all the parents and guardians who attended the parent teacher interviews. It was a pleasure meeting you all!

If you have any further questions please feel free to email me via Seqta or make an appointment with the office to see me.

In Literacy this term we are preparing for persuasive writing texts and our skill focus is Compare and Contrast.

In Numeracy our current topic is Addition, Subtraction and Money. We are looking at 3 digit addition and subtraction with trading. We will be moving onto maps, length and perimeter as of Week Six and our final topic for the term will be Data Representation.

In Integrated studies we are learning about Australian history and looking at different cultures and traditions. Then we will move onto Geography and explore places that are similar and different.

Here are some photos of the work we are doing in class. Enjoy!

Grade 3B
Grade 3B
Click images to enlarge

Grade 4A

Esra Yildirim-Bas

Welcome back to Term Two everyone.

This term our writing genre is Biography/ Autobiography reporting. Students will research one famous person (such as celebrity, inventor, sport player etc.), past or present, which they admire. They will discover facts about his or her life experiences and accomplishments, and they will use this information to write a report. Students will use wide variety of resources including the Internet. They have been doing their research at school in order to organise ideas before writing. Students have completed Biography Poster Report.

For the presentation of their final writing piece, students will create a lapbook as their final product, showcasing their research notes as well as their final written piece.

Students are very excited and looking forward for their final product.

Aylin- I chose Ludwig Van Beethoven because he is a classical musician. He inspired me to keep on trying because he became death and he never gave up and continued making music.

Aydin- I chose Lionel Andres Messi for my biography report because he really inspires me with his talent and I also enjoy playing soccer myself. In my opinion he is the best soccer player in the world!

Humaid- I chose Bill Gates because he is well known for making Microsoft. He is very smart and intelligent.

Abbas- I chose Mesut Ozil because he is funny and he has 60 pair of soccer shoes. He also won the world cup on his birthday.

Aleyna: I chose Michael Jackson for my biography report because my whole family grew up watching Michael Jackson. I like his music because he is very unique and he is the King of Pop.

Maryam- I chose Prophet Mohammed (sav) because he was known as a great messenger of Allah. He was known for being the most generous and trustworthy. I have so much love for him that I decided to make a poster about him.

Aayah: For my biography poster I chose Selena Marie Gomez because even though she’s been through so many hardships she never gave up. Now she is very famous and a great singer.

Yusuf- I chose Lion Andres Messi because he is the best soccer player and he inspired me to play soccer.

Salma- I chose Michael Jackson because he is very popular and famous.

Amar- I chose Bruno Mars because he is creative and intelligent. He is my favourite singer and makes everyone including me very happy.

Marwan- I chose Odell Bekham JR because he is very good NFL player and he is very famous.

Adam- I chose Rowan Atkison because he is a funny actor and he makes me laugh.

Ela- I chose Walt Disney for my biography report because he is very creative and he invented cartoons for kids to watch. He inspired me to be a good drawer.

Haroon- I chose Donald Trump because he is the president of United States. I like him because he is intelligent and helpful.

Upper Primary Coordinator’s Message

Ozlem Coskun

Hello to all our Grades Five and Six and Parents

What a great start we have had to Term Two. Firstly I would like to thank all our parents who came to see us during parent teacher interviews. We strive to cater for all your students’ needs and evidence shows positive communication between parents and teachers help to improve academic performance.

Congratulations to our Grade Five students who sat the NAPLAN test. Our students are all unique and have great strengths in many areas. NAPLAN results will be sent to our school early in Term Four.

Grade 5 and 6’s had an enjoyable day at the Enchanted Maze. It was heart-warming to see all our students happy and relaxed. We were able to achieve a lot on the day. One of our main focuses was to engage all students to communicate and build on friendships. I strongly believe that was achieved.

Enchanted Maze
Enchanted Maze
Click images to enlarge

Thank You to our Grade 5’s who held a cake stall to support the Mother’s Day Cataract Campaign.

I wish all our dearest Mothers a very special Mother’s Day.

Kindest Regards

Ms Ozlem Coskun
Primary Coordinator